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Your Easy Guide to Buying a Rooftop Tent

3rd Feb 2024

Thinking about getting a rooftop tent (RTT) for your vehicle? It’s a great way to upgrade your camping trips, but there's a bit to consider before you make the leap. Rooftop tents can be pricey and come with their own set of needs, so it’s important to make sure you’re making the right choice before you hit that buy button. Here’s a straightforward guide to help you figure out exactly what you need, without getting bogged down in too much technical jargon.

Before You Start

First off, think about whether an RTT is right for you. Climbing in and out of one isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, especially if you’re not keen on ladders or if you’re camping with pets. They're also pretty hefty, so you’ll need a buddy to help you get it set up on your car. Plus, they're not exactly easy to return if you change your mind, so it's worth thinking it through.

Check Your Car and Rack

Not all cars are up for the task of carrying an RTT. You need to check if your car can handle the extra weight on its roof. And don’t forget about the rack system – the factory racks that come with most cars probably won’t cut it. You’ll need a sturdier setup that can distribute the weight evenly without damaging your car.

Picking the Perfect Tent

Once you’ve got the car and rack situation sorted, it’s time to choose your tent. There are a few different styles and features to consider:

  • Softshell vs. Hardshell: Softshell tents fold out and are generally more affordable, but they take a bit more effort to set up. Hardshell tents pop up, are super quick to set up, but will cost you more.
  • Weight Matters: The heavier the tent, the sturdier it usually is. But remember, you’ve got to get it onto your car. If you’re planning on taking it on and off a lot, you might want something lighter.
  • Weather Ready: Think about where you’ll be camping. Hot climate? Look for something with good ventilation. Heading into the wild whatever the weather? A four-season tent might be your best bet.
  • Ease of Use: Consider how the tent mounts to your car, especially if you plan on removing it regularly. Some are easier to take on and off than others.
  • Extra Features: Some tents come with all the bells and whistles like LED lights and boot bags, while others keep it simple. Decide what’s important to you.
  • Looks: Last but not least, you might care about how your tent looks on your car. There’s a range of styles and colors out there to suit every taste.

Making Your Decision

Buying an RTT is a big decision, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Take your time, think about what’s important to you, and choose a tent that fits your vehicle, lifestyle, and budget. A little research now means a lot of happy camping later!