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The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Perfect Rooftop Tent for Your Adventures

3rd Feb 2024

Embarking on the journey to purchase a rooftop tent (RTT) is no small feat. Given their significant cost and technical specifications, selecting the right RTT requires careful consideration to avoid costly mistakes. The challenge is not just about picking a tent; it’s about ensuring compatibility with your vehicle and lifestyle, and managing the logistics of installation and use. Based on extensive hands-on experience and testing, we offer you a detailed roadmap to navigate the complexities of choosing an RTT, ensuring you make an informed decision that enhances your outdoor experiences without unnecessary hassle.

Essential Preliminaries

Before diving into the myriad of RTT options, assess the practicality of owning one. RTTs necessitate frequent climbing and interaction with your vehicle, which might not suit everyone, especially those with mobility issues or large pets. The weight and assembly requirements of RTTs also mean you’ll likely need assistance to install it, with some models demanding more than basic hand tools. Recognize that these tents are bulky and heavy, making returns a logistical nightmare. Therefore, it’s paramount to do your homework before committing to a purchase.

Vehicle and Rack Compatibility

Most vehicles aren’t designed to bear the weight of an RTT plus occupants and gear. Verify your vehicle’s roof capacity to ensure it can safely support the tent. Traditional rack systems might not suffice due to weight limitations. Opt for robust track systems and crossbars that distribute the load evenly across your vehicle’s roof, ensuring a secure and safe mounting for your RTT.

Choosing the Right RTT Model

Once you’ve confirmed your vehicle can accommodate an RTT and you have the appropriate rack system, it’s time to delve into the specifics of tent models. RTTs come in various forms, each with their own set of features, benefits, and drawbacks.

Softshell vs. Hardshell
  • Softshell Tents: Known for their compactness while on the move, these tents unfold over your vehicle and require more time for setup and takedown. They’re generally more affordable but require some initial assembly.
  • Hardshell Tents: Resembling large cargo boxes, hardshell tents are easier and quicker to set up thanks to hydraulic systems. They offer better durability and aerodynamics but come at a higher price point.
Weight and Size Considerations

The tent’s weight is a crucial factor, especially for smaller vehicles or for those who plan on mounting and unmounting the tent frequently. However, a heavier tent often means increased durability, which could be beneficial for frequent users.

Seasonality and Weather Resistance

Consider the climate and weather conditions you’ll most often encounter. While some tents are designed for warmer weather with enhanced breathability, others are built to withstand four-season conditions with features like waterproof canopies and taped seams.

Ladders, Security, and Privacy

Ladder type, security features, and privacy options vary across models. Choose based on your specific needs, whether it’s a sturdy ladder, a tent that locks to your rack, or additional annexes for privacy.

Mounting Systems and Accessories

The ease of mounting and the range of accessories available can greatly enhance your RTT experience. Look for tents with user-friendly mounting systems if frequent removal is anticipated, and consider the array of accessories that can make your camping more comfortable.

Aesthetic Appeal

While functionality should be the priority, the style and design of the tent matter to many. Select a model that matches your personal aesthetic and makes you feel proud of your mobile abode.


Investing in an RTT is a significant decision that can greatly impact your camping enjoyment and convenience. By considering the factors outlined above, you can select an RTT that suits your needs, budget, and lifestyle, ensuring many nights of comfortable and enjoyable outdoor experiences. Remember, the right RTT is out there for everyone—it just takes a bit of research to find it.